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[1] Donnelly Centre, [2] Department of Computer Science, [3] Department of Molecular Genetics, [4] Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto
[5] Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health
[6] Department of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
[7] Department of Biochemistry, Emory University School of Medicine
[8] Department of Biology and Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New York University
[9] Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison
[10] Children's Cancer Research Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
[#] Current address: Center for Autoimmune Genomics and Etiology (CAGE) and Divisions of Rheumatology and Biomedical Informatics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
[*] These authors made equal contributions to the manuscript.
[**] Communicating authors: and
