Mouse Exon Array

Exon foud by aligning to the mouse genome (NCBI build  36, Feb. 2006), with a mininum allowed exon length of 20nt and a minimum allowed intron size of 50nt, the following:
  1. 48,360 unique IRC sequences. From those, 47,927 IRC sequences whose best alignment with a chromosome involves at least 50% of the IRC sequence were taken for exon-tiling.
  2. 10,471 RefSeq sequences not contained in the exon collection obtained in step 1 (according to blat alignments). From those, 10,095 RefSeq sequences whose best alignment with a chromosome involves at least 50% of the RefSeq sequence were taken for exon-tiling.
  3. 11,257 Ensembl transcripts (9,831 Ensembl genes) not contained in the exon collection obtained in steps 1 and 2 (according to MGI-Ensembl tables provided by MGI). From those, 11,110 transcripts whose best alignment with a chromosome involves at least 50% of the transcript sequence were taken for exon-tiling.
Source Number of sequences taken for exon-tiling Number of Exons obtained Median Number of Exons per sequence Mean Number of Exons per Sequence Maximum Number of Exons per Sequence
IRC 47,927 353,809 5 7.38 155
RefSeq 10,095 25,199 2 2.49 79
Ensembl 11,110 54,365 2 4.89 147
Total 69,132 433,373 4 6.27 155

Accession Prefix Number of RefSeq sequences (Sep. 2006)  Number of RefSeq sequences  in Exon collection
NM 19,601 19,516
XM 24,780 24,513
NR 108 107
XR 3,573 3,550
Total 48,062 47,686

Exon Distribution
Histogram of Quality Alignment